How to Clean Eyelash Extensions at Home (The Right Way)

Eyelash extensions look amazing, but they need TLC to last. Here’s how to clean them at home:

  1. Gather your tools: Lash cleanser (not baby shampoo!), lint-free brush, and cool water.
  2. Optional makeup removal: Use oil-free remover for a clean canvas.
  3. Cleanse gently: Close one eye, dip brush in cleanser, then brush along lashes (base to tip) in a downward motion. Rinse and repeat on the other eye.
  4. Rinse well: Splash cool water on closed eyelids to remove cleanser.
  5. Pat and brush dry: Gently pat with a lint-free cloth, then brush lashes to separate them.

Remember: Be gentle, avoid rubbing, and use cool water. Clean lashes daily for maximum wear and happy eyes.

This comprehensive guide will show you how to clean eyelash extensions at home the right way.

When To Clean Lash Extensions

The frequency of cleaning your lash extensions depends on a few factors:

  • Oily Eyelids or Eye Makeup Wearers: If you have naturally oily eyelids or wear eye makeup regularly, you should clean your lash extensions daily. Oils and makeup can build up quickly and cause premature extension shedding.
  • Most Others: For those without overly oily eyelids or heavy makeup usage, cleaning your lash extensions every 2-3 days is typically sufficient.
  • After Physical Activities: Always clean your lash extensions after swimming, gym sessions, or any activities that cause heavy sweating. Salt, sweat, and chlorine can damage the adhesive bonds.

How To Clean Eyelash Extensions

How to Clean Lash Extensions at Home

Properly cleaning your lash extensions requires the right tools and technique. Follow these steps:

Step 1: Select The Right Tools & Cleanser

Having the proper supplies on hand is key for effective lash extension cleaning.

What To Look For In A Lash Brush

  • Soft, lint-free bristles that won’t catch on or pull out your extensions
  • Small enough size to precisely clean around the lash line

What To Look For In A Cleanser

  • Oil-free, lash extension-safe formulation
  • Avoid cleansers containing glycerin or oils which can break down the lash adhesive

What To Look For In A Spoolie Brush

  • A clean, disposable mascara wand or lash comb to brush and separate extensions after cleansing

Step 2: Remove All Makeup (Optional)

If wearing eye makeup, use an oil-free makeup remover on a cotton pad to gently wipe away any mascara, liner, or eyeshadow before cleansing your lashes. This helps the cleanser work more effectively.

Step 3: Cleanse & Rinse Your Lash Extensions

  1. Wet your lash extensions with clean, lukewarm water.
  2. Apply a small amount of lash shampoo or cleanser to your lash brush.
  3. Gently massage the lash brush along the lash line, working the cleanser through your extensions from root to tip.
  4. Thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove all cleanser and debris.

Step 4: Dry Your Lash Extensions

Use a lint-free towel or air blower to gently pat dry your lashes. Avoid vigorously rubbing or pulling on the extensions.

Step 5: Brush Your Lash Extensions

Finally, use a clean spoolie brush or lash wand to carefully brush through and reseparate your lash extensions while they are still damp.

What to Avoid

Certain products and practices can cause serious damage to your lash extensions:

  • Oil-based products: Avoid any oil-based makeup removers, cleansers, shampoos, creams, or sprays as the oils will dissolve the lash adhesive.
  • Glycerin-based products: Glycerin can also break down the adhesive over time.
  • Waterproof eye makeup: Waterproof mascaras and liners are extremely difficult to fully remove without scrubbing vigorously.
  • Cleansing waters/micellar waters: The micelles in these removers can strip away the lash adhesive.
  • Rubbing/scrubbing lashes: Never rub or scrub at your lash extensions as this will cause shedding and breakage.
  • Direct water streams: Avoid letting high pressure water from a shower head directly hit your lash extensions.

The Dos

Follow these tips to keep your lash extensions looking their best:

  • Use mineral oil-free products formulated specifically for lash extensions.
  • Clean lashes nightly before bed to remove all makeup, dirt, and oil buildup.
  • Gently cleanse with soft brushes/spoolies made for lash extensions.
  • Pat lashes dry with lint-free towels and avoid pulling or rubbing.
  • Brush extensions regularly to keep them separated and maintain their curl.

Why You Should Clean Lash Extensions

Consistent, proper cleaning of your lash extensions is essential for several reasons:

  1. Prevent Buildup: Throughout the day, dirt, oil, makeup, dead skin cells, and debris accumulate around the lash line. Removing this buildup prevents it from clumping and weighing down your extensions.
  2. Avoid Bacterial Growth: That built-up grime creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth that can lead to infections like blepharitis.
  3. Extend Longevity: Excessive buildup can cause lash bonds to deteriorate prematurely, resulting in shedding and requiring more frequent refill appointments. Regular cleaning helps your extensions last longer.

What Happens If You Don’t Clean Lashes?

Failing to properly clean your eyelash extensions can lead to some unpleasant and even dangerous consequences:

  • Itchiness and Inflammation: Buildup around the lash line often causes itchy, irritated, red eyelids from the trapped dirt, oil, and bacteria.
  • Premature Lash Shedding: That same buildup weighs down the extensions and causes the adhesive bonds to deteriorate faster, making your lashes fall out prematurely.
  • Blepharitis: This bacterial eye infection causes swollen, red eyelids with crustiness from excessive bacteria buildup around the lashes. Other symptoms include:
    • White/yellow scales or flakes
    • Burning sensation
    • Eye dryness
    • Watery eyes
    • Gritty feeling
    • Redness

While blepharitis is not vision-threatening, it can be extremely uncomfortable and even painful. See your doctor if you experience symptoms.

Can You Use Baby Shampoo For Cleaning Lash Extensions?

In a pinch, you may be tempted to use baby shampoo for cleaning your lash extensions due to its gentle, “no-tears” formula. However, most baby shampoos contain oils and other ingredients that can actually weaken and dissolve the lash adhesive over time.

Instead, invest in a quality, oil-free lash shampoo and cleanser specifically formulated for use on eyelash extensions.

Read Also: Removing Your Eyelash Extensions At Home

What Soap Can I Use To Wash My Eyelash Extensions?

When selecting a cleanser for your lash extensions, look for:

  • Oil-free formulas
  • Sulfate-free
  • No parabens or glycerin
  • Mineral oil or mineral-based cleansers

Some popular and effective lash extension cleansers include:

  • LashPure Cleanser
  • Blink Lash Care Extension Cleanser
  • NovaLash CleanLash Cleanser

Always avoid using regular shampoos, body washes, or facial cleansers not designed specifically for use on lash extensions.

Why You Should Clean Your Lash Extensions

To sum up, keeping your eyelash extensions properly cleaned is absolutely vital for several reasons:

  • Extends their lifespan: Buildup causes extensions to detach sooner
  • Prevents infections: Bacteria can accumulate and cause issues like blepharitis
  • Maintains their look: Clean lashes appear fuller, fluttery and separated
  • Protects eye health: Dirty extensions can lead to irritation and infections

By taking a few minutes each day to gently cleanse your lash extensions, you’ll ensure your gorgeous lashes always look their best and stay fresh for as long as possible between refill appointments.

People Also Ask (FAQ’s)

What can I use to clean my eyelash extensions?

You can use a gentle lash cleanser or a mild, oil-free cleanser to clean your eyelash extensions. Avoid products containing oil, glycerin, or harsh chemicals.

Can I just use water to clean my eyelash extensions?

While water can help rinse your lashes, it’s best to use a specialized lash cleanser to remove makeup, dirt, and oil without damaging the extensions.

Can I use micellar water to clean eyelash extensions?

It’s not recommended to use micellar water on eyelash extensions as it can contain oils that may break down the adhesive, leading to premature lash extension loss.

How often should I wash my lash extensions?

Aim to wash your lash extensions every 2-3 days to maintain cleanliness and prevent buildup of dirt, oils, and debris that can damage your natural lashes.

What happens if I don’t clean my lash extensions?

Failure to clean lash extensions can lead to itchiness, inflammation, and potentially serious infections like blepharitis, caused by bacteria buildup and mite infestations. Regular cleaning is essential for eye health and to maintain the longevity of your lash extensions.

Final Words

To effectively clean your eyelash extensions at home, follow these steps:

  1. Remove eye makeup with an oil-free remover using a wet cotton tip.
  2. Use a cleanser without oil to remove foundation.
  3. Wet your lashes with water.
  4. Apply a small amount of lash shampoo on each lash and gently cleanse with a cleansing brush.
  5. Rinse thoroughly with water.
  6. Pat dry with a lint-free towel.
  7. Use a clean mascara wand to perfect the curl.

Avoid using glycerin or oil-based products, as they can break down the lash glue. Cleanse your lashes every 2-3 days, or daily if you have oily eyelids or wear eye makeup.

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