The facts about the microblading healing process

The facts about the microblading healing process entail understanding the stages following the procedure, including initial tenderness and swelling, scab formation, pigment settling, and final recovery, all crucial for achieving optimal results in eyebrow appearance. Through proper aftercare and patience, individuals can ensure a smooth healing journey and long-lasting, natural-looking microbladed eyebrows.

Embarking on the journey to perfect eyebrows through microblading? Brace yourself for the adventure ahead! Dive into the fascinating world of the microblading healing process, where each stage unveils the secret to achieving flawless, natural brows that steal the show. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind the transformative journey from tender beginnings to stunning final results!

As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that patience and proper aftercare are key to achieving your dream eyebrows. Get ready to flaunt your flawless, natural-looking brows with confidence and style!

Day 1-3: Don’t Panic!

Immediately after your microblading session, you may experience a range of symptoms, including tenderness, swelling, and bruising. Your eyebrows may appear darker than expected due to the initial intensity of the pigment. It’s essential to refrain from panicking during this time, as these symptoms are entirely normal and indicate that your skin is beginning the healing process.

Day 5-7: The Flaky Stage

Around days 5-7 post-procedure, you may notice the formation of scabs on your eyebrows. Itching is common during this stage, but it’s crucial to resist the urge to scratch or pick at the scabs. Doing so can disrupt the healing process and lead to complications such as infection. Instead, focus on keeping the area clean and protected.

Day 7-10: Where Did My Pigment Go?

As the scabs begin to flake off, you may notice that the pigment appears lighter or even disappears altogether. Don’t be alarmed—this is a temporary phase as the pigment settles into the deeper layers of the skin. Trust the process, and rest assured that your eyebrows will regain their color and definition in due time.

Day 10-14: Oh, There You Are!

Around days 10-14, a fresh layer of healed skin will emerge, revealing the true beauty of your microbladed eyebrows. You’ll start to see the hair strokes and pigment detail reemerge, giving your brows a more defined and natural appearance.

Day 14-21: Blending

By the end of the third week, the pigment will continue to blend seamlessly with your natural brow hair, making it difficult to distinguish between the two. The color will settle, and the brush strokes will become more defined, creating a harmonious blend that enhances your facial features.

Week 4-6: Final Recovery

At this stage, your skin should be close to complete recovery, with no more tenderness or pain. Your eyebrows will look and feel full, yet natural. However, it’s essential to remember that the healing process varies for each individual, influenced by factors such as age, lifestyle, and skin type.

Week 6-8: Fully Recovered and First Touch-Up

Before scheduling your first touch-up session, ensure that you have fully healed from the initial procedure. The touch-up session serves as the “completion step,” allowing your stylist to assess the healing process, address any concerns, and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your desired results.

Aftercare for the Best Results

Proper aftercare is crucial for ensuring the longevity and quality of your microblading results. Follow these essential steps to optimize your healing process:

Step 1 – Clean:

  • Wash the treated area gently with sterilized water and mild antibacterial soap.
  • Avoid rubbing or applying excessive pressure to the eyebrows.
  • Keep the area clean to prevent infection and promote healing.

Step 2 – Hydrate:

  • Apply aftercare ointment or balm to keep the skin hydrated and soothe any discomfort.
  • Choose products specifically designed for tattoo aftercare to aid in the healing process.

Step 3 – Avoid for 10-14 days:

  • Refrain from activities that may irritate or compromise the healing process, such as sweating excessively or using skincare products containing retinol or glycolic acid.

Step 4 – After 14 days:

  • Resume normal activities but continue to avoid harsh exfoliants or treatments that may affect the longevity of your microblading results.


What is the healing process of microblading?

The healing process of microblading involves initial tenderness, swelling, and darkening of pigment, followed by scab formation and gradual lightening of color, culminating in fully healed and beautifully defined eyebrows.

How can I speed up the healing process of microblading?

To expedite the healing process of microblading, follow proper aftercare instructions including keeping the area clean, avoiding excessive moisture, and refraining from picking at scabs to ensure optimal results and faster recovery.

Can I shower 10 days after microblading?

Yes, you can shower 10 days after microblading, but be cautious to avoid excessive water exposure on the treated area and refrain from rubbing or scrubbing the eyebrows during the healing process to ensure optimal results.

What does microblading look like after 7 days?

After 7 days, microblading may appear lighter as scabs start to form and pigment settles into the skin, with some redness and itchiness likely present, indicating the healing process is underway.

Can I wash my eyebrows after 14 days of microblading?

Yes, you can wash your eyebrows after 14 days of microblading, but it’s important to do so gently with mild soap and water, avoiding rubbing or scrubbing the treated area to prevent disruption of the healing process and ensure the longevity of your microblading results.

Learn More

For additional information on microblading and permanent makeup, check out these valuable resources:

  • What You Need to Know About Your First Microblading Session
  • Everything You Need to Know About Permanent Makeup


The microblading healing process is a journey that requires patience, diligence, and proper aftercare. By understanding each stage and following the recommended guidelines, you can achieve beautiful, long-lasting results that enhance your natural beauty. Remember, the key to success lies in trusting the process and prioritizing self-care every step of the way. If you’re considering microblading, don’t hesitate to reach out to a qualified professional who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your dream eyebrows.

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